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Gungame Stats

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:26 pm
by thatoneguy
I'm making a custom Gungame Stats plugin for the server. Comment here on what you want to see. Here's what I'm planning so far:

  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • 3 kills in one life
  • 4 kills in one life
  • 5 kills in one life
  • 6 kills in one life
  • 7 kills in one life
  • 8 kills in one life
  • 9 kills in one life
  • 10 kills in one life
  • Max kills in one life
  • No-scopes (AWP/Scout kills only)
  • Headshots
  • Knife kills
  • Max knife kills in one life
  • Nade kills
  • Wins
  • # matches played (only counts as a match if they earned at least 3 levels - so you arent penalized for joining/leaving quickly in a match)
  • Avg GG level (a way to keep track of how far you get on avg, even if it isnt a win - give some credit to those that often come close but dont quite get the last nade/knife)
Anything else I should add?

Other Notes:
  • Stats wont count unless there are at least 4 people in the server.
  • Ignores warmup round
  • I will build a web page for viewing the stats, similar to the one I made for my scrim plugin (click text to see it).
Anything I'm missing?

Re: Gungame Stats

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:54 pm
by porkchop

Re: Gungame Stats

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:10 pm
by thatoneguy
porkchop wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:54 pmAccuracy?
Good thought. The one issue with this one is that to record accuracy, you have to hook every single bullet fire and increment a counter, then hook every time someone takes damage, check if it was from another player's gun (vs world or props or other) and increment, then ratio the two. That is a lot of processing on the server for just one stat. VS the stats noted in the list so far can all be recorded with info in the "player_death" event, so it only fires code when someone dies. Additionally, if you are like me, you compulsively shoot glass/props/etc, which reduces the value and accuracy [no pun intendid] of the accuracy stat. We CAN do it, but I would argue it is not worth it. Thoughts?

Also, keep em coming!